Technical Analysis is study of the past price action to predict the future price Trends. This means that the price of a share tells us as to how the share is going to move in the future and any reasons, let it be Fundamental or Technical, that could lead to a rise or a fall in the share prices is reflected in the price of that share. To give a simple example if a company is going to post excellent results, this will be reflected in the share price with a good rise which will be on account of insider buying. Similarly the opposite of this also is true. What we saw above was a fundamental factor responsible for the movement in the share prices. Besides these Fundamental factors there are Technical Factors viz. the Laws of Demand & Supply which also could lead to sharp movements in the share prices. These factors work on Mass Psychology and are closely linked to he Human Mind, under a given set of circumstances all minds tend to work in the same direction. The theories of Technical Analysis are based on this concept and hence the share price movements can be predicted more often than not based on these theories. .
Through Technical Analysis is being practiced in the West as well as some Asian countries like Japan for more than past 100 to 150 years, it has become popular in India only in the last 8 to 10 years.
It is independent of any news or occurrence of events as any of these are reflected in the stock price.
Most of the Fundamental information such as announcement of Results or any other which affects the price of a share reaches a common Investor the last but an Investor following TA can get early signals based on price movements through he may not know the exact nature of information
Since TA is based on Mass Psychology which can change and is fluctuating at times, Technical Analysis recommends use of Stop-losses which if strictly implemented can save Traders and Investor from a much bigger loss in the future.
Overview of Financial Market
Basics of Technical Analysis
Gap Analysis
Price Patterns
Candlestick Patterns
Indicators & Oscillators